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In this section, we hope you find our blog articles useful and informative on retail and queue management systems, appointment scheduling, digital signage, and self-service kiosk solutions. It includes any related subjects, IT technologies, and market trends.



Each sector demands its own unique features in the retail and wholesale industries. Since 1982, Aralco has worked with industry leaders from different sectors to offer them a powerful and feature-rich Retail Management and POS solution from back office to each point of sale location.

Today, Aralco Retail POS System has abundant capabililties and functionalities built into its suite of software modules, delivering an unparalleled industry-wide business management solution:

  • Apparel, Footwear, Lingerie Store POS
  • Watch, Camera, Appliances Store POS
  • Furniture, Lighting Store POS
  • Sporting Goods POS
  • Jewelry, Eyewear Store POS
  • Book, Toy, Pet Store POS
  • Deli, Grocery Store POS
  • Liquor Wine & Tobacco Store POS
  • Cosmetic, Skincare Store POS
  • Mobile Van, Event POS
  • Wholesaler POS
  • Any Specialty Store POS


Discover more about Aralco Retail Management & POS Systems and How It streamlines your Business


A virtual private network is a technology that creates an encrypted connection over a less secure network. The benefit of using a VPN is that it ensures the appropriate level of security to the connected systems when the underlying network infrastructure alone cannot provide it.

VPN uses a public telecommunication infrastructure like the Internet to provide remote users secure access to their organization's network. A VPN client on the remote user's computer or mobile device connects to a VPN gateway on the organization's network, which typically requires the device to authenticate its identity, then creates a network link back to the device that allows it to reach internal network resources (e.g., MS SQL database on the central server) as though it was on that network locally. 

Without any form of VPN, your network of computers and pos terminals including database/s are vulnerable to web threats - there are millions of web attacks every day and it is critical to start building your IT defences before your retail organization becomes the next cyber victim!

IRMCS leverages VPN technology to help protects our clients' network of server, computers and POS terminals. This also serves to protect their customers' personal information at the same time adhering to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. 


Contact IRMCS for more information.