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Via OS Self-service Software

ViaOS for Self-service Kiosk SolutionsVia OS Where Innovation Meets


ViaOS is an enterprise-level, industry-leading platform developed alongside Azimut’s self-service kiosks to fit the self-service needs of your business.




ViaOS for self-service kiosk solutions





Create Seamless, Intuitive Customer
Journeys that Transcend Channels


ViaOS software for self-service kiosk solutions

ViaOS is the enterprise software that integrates with all peripheral devices to minimize customers’ efforts across all channels and touchpoints, ensuring a seamless experience every time a customer visits your branch.




Meet ViaOS - an App Store for Self ServiceMeet ViaOS an
App Store for Self Service



Build and extend capabilities of self-service with a private app store, allowing the remote update of capabilities at any time.


From delivering faster customer service to better quality products and efficient operations, ViaOS provides enormous value for organizations that adopt them at scale to succeed in the fast-moving world of automation.





Secure from the ground up


Hardware pinning

Natively supports hardware verification at bootup and application initialization



Mutual Verification

Using modern standards, compliant cryptography, both the server and the client mutually verify and determine trust.



Remote Support & Upgrades


ViaOS software for self-service kiosk solutions

Eliminate site visits – securely update and run diagnostics for devices remotely. Granular metrics and analytics, with alerting build-in as standard. securely update and run diagnostics for devices remotely.




ViaOS software for self-service kiosk solutionsA Robust OS for


Eliminate site visits – securely update and run diagnostics for devices remotely. Granular metrics and analytics, with alerting build-in as standard. securely update and run diagnostics for devices remotely.


A versatile networking layer that is built for challenging network environments, frequent packet loss, and multiple redundant connectivity options.


Explore VIAOS Monitoring & Reporting Systems




ViaOS software for self-service kiosk solutionsHow ViaOS can
Help You!


Wavetec has wide-ranging expertise in refining service areas at banks, hospitals, pharmacies, government organizations, supermarkets, and retail stores. SafeQ helps to empower you a step further to deliver seamless customer experiences.




Contact IRMCS for Kiosk Solutions


Explore Wavetec's Self-service Kiosk Solutions