Aralco Retail Systems is the most complete software solutions meeting every demand of grocery stores, minimarts, c-stores, supermarkets, butchery, and delicatessen on a single platform.
Aralco Back Office Software (BOS) offers real-time data processing so that grocery retailers can respond immediately with the current information to stores' performances, inventory status, customers, competitions and everything else.
It is also imperative that retail Back Office Software must be robust, comprehensive and functional enough for grocers to manage every aspect of their back-office processes efficiently and data flows seamlessly to each store's POS checkouts.
Aralco POS offers the feature-rich Point Of Sale (POS) solutions, yet fail-safe where it continues to operate during network or Internet outages, assuring you your customers never have to wait.
The complete suite of modules available in Aralco POS for grocery markets is unparalleled, empowering your employees with all the tools to deliver the best customer experience at every checkout with great accuracy and speed!
- Package for selling product bundling, set meals, etc - read more
- Sales of kit set such hampers, gift baskets, half-melon, carton of beer with inventory auto-deduct or pre-assembled - read more
- Support multiple manufacturers' bar code numbers per product
- "Happy or Special Hour" price control by time, the day of the week - for example, buy any beer from 5 pm to 7 pm gets 50 cents off per bottle or can
- Quantity discount for a group of mixed SKUs or single SKU - for example, buy an avocado at $3.98 @ or 3 for $10.00 - read more
- Set automatic discount of expiring items i.e Quick Sell 30% Off or at a markdown price
- Automatic member discounting when applicable
Aralco POS has ready (RS232C) interfaces for In-counter Scanner Scale or Table-top Scale for weigh-and-transfer the weight value of SKUs to Aralco POS instantly for price calculation at the checkout. Our partnering scale brands are Mettler Toledo, Datalogic/Magellan, Honeywell, KiloTech, Caszero, and Ohaus Adventurer.
Products designated for scale printers are automatically generated by Aralco for data import into the scale printer (as PLUs) such as Digi SM 100 and 5300 scale printer series, via the store's local area network.
Simply select the PLU on the scale, sit the item on the platter to weigh and print the price label quickly in manual or auto-mode. At the checkouts, cashiers just scan the barcode label and Aralco POS will read the PLU code, weight and price accurately.
- Issue and print loyalty points on members' receipts - read more
- Record and print redeemed points on members' receipts
- Sell Gift Card to boost footfall - read more
- Redeem Gift Card at any store, verified real-time by the Aralco central server
- Goods exchange, verified return & credit notes
- Coupons with purchase value and date validations - read more
- Unlimited Split Tenders
- Hold & Recall transactions (unlimited)
User-definable fast buttons for groups, SKUs, and function keys on the touch screen - read more about POS Item Menu
- Sales Order processing option and deposit payments, fulfillments - read more
- Support charge account (sales invoice on credit terms), credit limit, payment on account, etc
- Support multiple printers - receipts, A4 invoices/ delivery order
- Email digital receipts or invoices to customers
- Options for 2-line Pole Display, Customer-facing Monitor
- Option for signature pad
- Interface to Credit/Debit Card (not available in all countries)
- Interface to Cash/Note Recyclers (not available in all countries)
- Interface to Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL)
- Integrate and unify Aralco's inventory data, status, CRM, loyalty program, etc with your corporate website/E-commerce
Each Aralco POS has a local-sync module to instantly transmit the completed transaction or receipt to the central server to update sales and inventory for items sold. It also communicates continuously with the central server* to receive promotion and markdown prices, new or changed customer and product information every few seconds automatically via the Internet.
* The central database server can be hosted on-premises or in a data center of your choice.
Read more about Aralco Communication Network.
There is no limit to the number of suppliers, products, categories, transactions that can be stored in the central SQL database and so is the number of stores, warehouses, POS checkouts, and workstations - Aralco Retail Systems is designed with scalability in mind so that you can expand the business with more products, stores, and POS checkouts without restrictions.
In the grocery business, thousands of products may come in different sizes, packing, weight, UOM with product variations and mixes, making it cumbersome to manage with inadequate inventory software.
Thanks to Aralco's Inventory module built with brilliant features for the grocery business to handle variable inventory type and to overcome complex requirements. With Aralco, it streamlines operations from the purchase order, defining kit sets, transfers, adjustments, and etc. to selling products at the POS checkouts, resulting in high efficiency across your organization.
Explore options for Expiry and Traceability inventory management systems.
Read more about Aralco Retail Systems for the Grocery, C-store, Minimart, Supermarket business
Contact IRMCS for more information on Grocery Retail and Distribution Management Solutions