Interbank chooses Wavetec technology for innovation in its service areas
With a clear intention to improve customer relationships, Interbank proposed to make a radical change in its service areas. For that reason, with the assistance of IDEO, a worldwide leading consulting firm, a new and innovative customer service model was designed as a result of an investigation process of customers’ likes, preferences, and needs.
The main goal of this change was to build a new banking experience that brought together the company to its customers, in a collaborative and friendly environment that breaks the traditional view of the customers regarding banks.
The Solution
To reflect the design aimed to improve customer’s experience proposed by Interbank, Wavetec developed a solution consisting in:
The provision of customized kiosks following the brand’s guidelines, with a 15” touch-screen LCD where customers can check-in. To identify themselves, they use their bank card (magnetic card reader) or their national ID (bar code reader) in their corresponding slots.
The system, linked to a national database, recognizes them by their name and gives them the possibility to receive an SMS when they are next, allowing the client to better manage their time, carrying out other activities inside and outside of the facility, which reduces the perceived waiting time.
In order to reflect the transparency of the service, each client can see when they are next by checking their names in the LCD displays located in the waiting area and operated by Donatello, Wavetec Digital Signage. The display is designed to distinguish and highlight service priorities for pregnant women, elderly people, and people with physical challenges.
To guarantee a customized service, once the customer is called through the LCD displays, s/he goes to a pre-service area where only two people are waiting; after that, the executive can see the name of the next customer from his/her desk, so as to call him/her by their name; thus, creating a friendly environment during service.
The system can be fully operated through the eQ Portal, a web-based computer server that enables the configuration of the system as a whole.
The software has a dashboard that presents Interbank’s relevant performance indicators, allowing the creation of several historical reports with the decision-making information.
Similarly, all digital signage contact points can be operated and updated from the head office.
Something that surprise us, which has gone beyond protocols, was the close relationship between customers and our employees […] this proves that people felt this was a more humane bank. The store welcomes them with a new identification system […] we will inform you when you are next and you will wait less than five minutes.
Miguel Uccelli – Vice President, Retail Banking, Interbank
Benefits for Interbank
Wavetec’s system allows you to measure waiting and service time in a centralized way, which represents their main performance indicators.
Customized data collection of the customers visiting the bank.
A 33% to 84% increase of the consumer’s satisfaction index, resulting in a positive customer-to-brand loyalty.
Centralized management of the different digital communication channels with their customers, such as Kiosk LCD and waiting area LCD.
This new banking service model was already implemented in over 100 Interbank branches.
The Wavetec Experience
Wavetec offers an ecosystem of solutions for the improvement of the service areas, meeting the company’s needs in organizing the influx of people, guaranteeing a valuable engagement experience, and obtaining relevant measures for the decision-making process so as to improve business results.
Our management systems of queues, digital signage, and consumer feedback measurements are located in different regions with applications in various areas and industries like hospitals, retail, and banks.
Interbank, one of the most important financial institutions in Peru, chose Wavetec’s technological solutions for the development of the Interbank Explora project, which includes the renovation and improvement of the service areas in more than 100 branches throughout the country.
Interbank is one of the main financial institutions in Peru. Currently serving more than 2 million customers, since its foundation in 1897 the company has been actively expanding, where a high-quality customer service-centered policy is highlighted.
The company has branches throughout the country and a trade office in Brazil, thereby creating successful businesses and investment opportunities in these areas.