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Goods Receiving

Aralco Back Office System is a flexible and easy-to-use system suitable for virtually any type of retail and merchandising requirements.


The Good Receiving module handles your regular products as well as others that require different attributes in order to have precise inventory management:


Apparel, Footwear 
Color & Size Mgmt


Electronic & Appliances, Watch
 Serial Number Mgmt


Grocery & Food
Weights & Measures 
Expiry Mgmt





Goods Receiving can be processed centrally in the Headquarters or warehouse. The management can opt for de-centralized goods receiving at each store accessible by authorized users.


Receive goods with or without a Purchase Order
Receive goods per entire PO or partially
Import receive goods data via CSV files
Identify and tag “Back Ordered” products, if the policy allows
Automatic landed cost calculation from foreign currency
Weighted average costing
Print barcoded stock labels for goods received



Screenshot example:





Read about Physical Stock Count