The Weight and Measures module in Aralco is absolutely user-definable to give you flexibility in setting up any unit of measurement (UOM), no matter how complex they are.
Therefore it does not matter if you are using the Metric or Imperial system or combining the use of both in textiles, carpet, grocery, or any specialty stores.
It supports measurement by weights, lengths, and volumes, and here are a few examples of weight and measures table:
Definable UOM table -
Each & Pack |
Definable UOM table -
Cm & Meter |
Definable UOM table -
Kg & Carton |
Definable UOM table -
Gm & Roll | |
user-definable buy, Inventory & sell UOM
In each product, you can easily define the UOM for ordering from your suppliers, then define UOM for stocking, and lastly sell UOM for the product.
Aralco Retail Systems support interfaces for scale printers (weight-price-labeling), in-counter bioptic scanner/scale, or table-top scale units - explore Aralco Retail Systems for grocery stores.
Read about Store Price Zone| Purchase Order | Goods Receiving